Mkt Data |Currency | Product Category: Market Data
This section has every kind of historical data on international markets you might look for; Currency, Commodity(Oil/Gold,Metals etc), Indices, Sovereign Bonds etc across 25 countries.The package contains 15 years of Currency data of 25 countries, meaning historical data of 25 currencies at one place in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel format.
Package Features:
The package contains 15 years of Currency data upto July 2017 of 25 countries, meaning historical data of 25 currencies at one place in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel format.
The countries included in the package are: Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Phillipines, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, Israel, Lebanon, UAE, USA, UK, China, Japan, Brazil, Russia, India, Germany, Europe.
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File types included in the zipped package : Excel
File size of the package : 2 Mb
No. of Pages : 0