Market Data
This section has every kind of historical data on international markets you might look for; Currency, Commodity(Oil/Gold,Metals etc), Indices, Sovereign Bonds etc across 25 countries.-
Mkt Data |Currency
The package contains 15 years of Currency data of 25 countries, meaning historical data of 25 currencies at one place in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel format.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
Mkt Data|Commodity
The package contains 15 years of ENERGY data; prices of ENERGY related commodities viz. Crude Oil, Gasoline, Propane, Naphta etc. in a ready-to-analyze format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Mkt Data|Commodity
The package contains 15 years of PRECIOUS METALS data; prices of PRECIOUS METALS related commodities viz. Gold, Silver etc. in a ready-to-analyze Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Mkt Data|Commodity
The package contains 15 years of AGRI data; prices of AGRICULTURE related commodities viz. Cotton, Rubber, Rice, Sugar etc. in a ready-to-analyze Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Mkt Data|Commodity
The package contains 15 years of INDUSTRIAL METALS data; prices of METALS related commodities viz. Steel, Copper, Zinc etc. in a ready-to-analyze Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Mkt Data|Commodity
The package contains 15 years of historical values of 4 major commodities Indices - LME Index, S&P; GSCI, Baltic Dry, CRB Index in a ready-to-analyze format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Mkt Data | Stocks
This special package contains 15 years of data on stock indices of 21 major stock indices in NORTH AMERICA. Presented in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Mkt Data | Stocks
This special package contains 15 years of data on stock indices of 31 major stock indices in ASIAN REGION. Presented in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Mkt Data | Stocks
This special package contains 15 years of data on stock indices of 13 major stock indices in AFRICAN REGION. Presented in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Mkt Data | Stocks
This special package contains 15 years of data on stock indices of 43 major stock indices in EUROPEAN REGION. Presented in a ready-to-analyze Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Mkt Data | Stocks
This special package contains 15 years of data on stock indices of 2 major stock indices in AUSTRALIAN REGION. Presented in a ready-to-analyze Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Market Data |Bonds
This package contains Bond data of INDIA. The Bond data comprises of 15 years historical yields of 10 Y Sovereign Bond. Presented in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Market Data |Bonds
This package contains Bond data of CHINA. The data comprises of 10Y Sovereign Bond yields. Presented in a ready-to-analyze Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Market Data |Bonds
This package contains Bond data of USA. The Bond data comprises of 10 Y Sovereign Bond yields. Presented in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Market Data |Bonds
This package contains Bond data of UK. The Bond data comprises of 10 Y Sovereign Bond yields. Presented in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Market Data |Bonds
This package contains Bond data of AUSTRALIA. The Bond data comprises of 10 Y Sovereign Bond yields. Presented in a ready-to-analyze Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Market Data |Bonds
This package contains Bond data of RUSSIA. The Bond data comprises of 10 Y Sovereign Bond yields. Presented in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Market Data |Bonds
This package contains Bond data of ITALY. The Bond data comprises of 10 Y Sovereign Bond yields. Presented in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Market Data |Bonds
This package contains Bond data of FRANCE. The Bond data comprises of 10 Y Sovereign Bond yields. Presented in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: -
Market Data |Bonds
This package contains Bond data of GERMANY. The Bond data comprises of 10 Y Sovereign Bond yields. Presented in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel format.
Credit Value: 7 Files: