currency  data  historical  dongrila

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6 Reviews
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The package contains 15 years of Currency data of 25 countries, meaning historical data of 25 currencies at one place in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel format.

Package Features:

The package contains 15 years of Currency data upto July 2017 of 25 countries, meaning historical data of 25 currencies at one place in a ready-to-analyze MS-Excel format. 


The countries included in the package are: Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Phillipines, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, Israel, Lebanon, UAE, USA, UK, China, Japan, Brazil, Russia, India, Germany, Europe.

    File types included in the zipped package : Excel

    File size of the package : 2 Mb

    No. of Pages : 0

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Consumer Reviews

By Maung Zarni
Market data at such low cost is unheard of..i raked the entire internet for such data and it has always been out of my financial reach?thank you dongrila

By Aranya Namwong
I think this is my GOOGLE for data..hats off to you

By Mahmood Mallik
Brilliant idea

By Sarojini Yogeswaran
this is simply amazing..can't thank you enough dongrila

By Kyaw Yin
At first I couldn't believe if something of this sort is even possible so I downloaded as a trial, and I was blown away when I actually saw the data guys are doing a pretty good job my friend..keep it up

By Amisha Khare
this kind of data at this price is just so delicious..I am grateful dongrila