Best BSchool material (solved) on tough subjects like Operations Research, Economics, Statistics, Case Studies, Placement Interviews, Aptitude/Psychometric Tests etc.-
Psychometric Test 1
This is an exhaustive test series designed particularly for Bschool grads to help them prepare for the psychometric tests faced during the campus placements.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
Psychometric Test 2
This test series is an actual collection of psychometric tests taken by BSchool grads during campus placements across various institutes in South East Asia.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
Psychometric Test 3
This test series is an actual collection of psychometric tests from the corporate recruitment dockets of companies visiting campuses across various institutes.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
OR |10 Solved Test
Operations Research will not be as difficult as it is known to be all along, with these 10 sets of SOLVED question papers you will be fully prepared for exams.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
OR |Solved Problem
Plenty of SOLVED problems in Operations Research, wide range of topics and exhasutive solved practice questions now makes this tough subject relatively easier.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
OR | Basic Guide
Fully loaded guide to the most difficult subject in Bschool - Operations research. This OR guide will certainly make your concepts clearer for better scores.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
First of its kind multiple choice SOLVED questions for Operations Research. This OR collection covers a wide range of topics prepares you thoroughly for exams.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
Stats | Workbook I
A powerful workbook on statistics designed specially for Bschool students. It offers 100 solved questions and guarantees a better understadning of the subject.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
50 Interview Qs
This package answers 50 tough questions faced during campus interviews by Bschool grads, it covers almost all possible questions that can be asked by the panel.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
100 Interview Qs
The most important 100 questions every company would throw at you during campus placements; personal, academic, professional & management related questions.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
Aptitude Test
Actual aptitude tests collected from campus interviews at various campus placements across South East Asia. It preapres you to face the real aptitude tests.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
Focus Interview Qs
An exclusive collection of interview questions collected from the actual corporate dockets of the companies participating in the campus placement processes.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
CaseBased Intrvw
An entirely new technique of campus placement hiring has emerged, that of case based interviews; prevalant in hiring process of most consulting firms .
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
Economics |WBook I
A super workbook of economics containing 250+ questions specially designed for Bschool students. Tough economics concepts now made easy for mgmt every student.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
Economics |WBookII
A solved workbook in economics containing targetted questions for management studies, difficulty levely is that of MBA/BBA. Must for all management students.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
Economics | Simple
A super simplified e-notebook on economics for management students. It will certainly help you build a better grasp on the subject and prepare you for exams.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
Marketing | WBook
This first of its kind workbook in Marketing covers the entire subject, specially crafted for BSchool students aiming to specializing in Marketing Management.
Credit Value: 9 Files: -
HR | Calculator
The latest msut have for all HR aspirants, a calculator that will be necessary for all HR professionals in their careers. Contains every HR manager maintains.
Credit Value: 6 Files: